⑴ 化妆品标注有一些英文,其中的SKIN是什么意思
skin读法 英[skɪn]美[skɪn]
1、n. 皮肤;外皮
2、vt. 剥皮
3、vi. 愈合;长皮
1、skin cancer皮肤癌 ; 皮肤肿瘤 ; 皮 ; 皮肤癌发病率增长与廉价全包假期有关
2、SKIN FOOD思亲肤 ; 肌肤之餐 ; 肌肤食品 ; 韩国
3、Human skin人类皮肤 ; 皮肤 ; 人的皮肤
apply to skin 指皮肤保湿
combine skin 指所有肤质都可以使用
oily skin 指油性皮肤
dry skin 指干性皮肤
facial cleanser 指洗面奶
toner 指爽肤水、紧肤水
skin cream 指护肤霜,面霜
moisturizer 指润肤
⑵ 水润肌肤用英语怎么说
moistened /moist skin水润的肌肤;moisten the skin with water水润肌肤
⑶ 英语日常用语如can i help you等越多越好。快!!!!!!!
11. do it right! 把它做对。 12. do you mean it ? 你是当真的吗? 13. do you see him often? 你经常见到他吗? 14. do you see it? = do you understand? 你明白了吗? 15. do you want it? 你要吗? 16. do you want something? 你想要些什么? 17. don’t do it . 不要做。 18. don’t exaggerate. 不要夸张。 19. don’t tell me that. 不要告诉我。 20. give me a hand . 帮我一下。 21. go right ahead. 一直往前走。 22. have a good trip. 祝旅途愉快。 23. have a nice day. 祝你一天过得愉快。 24. have you finished? 你做完了吗? 25. he doesn’t have time. 他没空。 26. he is on his way. 他现在已经在路上了。 27. how are you doing? 你好吗? 28. how long are you staying ? 你要呆多久? 29. i am crazy about her. 我对她着迷了。 30. i am wasting my time . 我在浪费时间。 31. i can do it . 我能做。 32. i can’t believe it . 我简直不能相信。 33. i can’t wait . 我不能再等了。 34. i don’t have time . 我没时间了。 35. i don’t know anybody. 我一个人都不认识。 36. i don’t like it . 我不喜欢。 37. i don’t think so . 我认为不是。 38. i feel much better. 我感觉好多了。 39. i found it . 我找到了。 40. i hope so . 我希望如此。 41. i knew it . 我早知道了。 42. i noticed that. 我注意到了。 43. i see. 我明白了。 44. i speak english well. 我英语说得很好。 45. i think so . 我认为是这样的。 46. i want to speak with him. 我想跟他说话。 47. i won. 我赢了。 48. i would like a cup of coffee, please. 请给我一杯咖啡。 49. i’m hungry. 我饿死了。 50. i’m leaving. 我要走了。 51. i’m sorry. 对不起。
⑷ moisturize, cream, lotion有什么区别啊
moisturize, 保湿霜
cream, 乳霜
lotion, 乳液
从翻译上似乎差别不大,但是根据我的经验,lotion是3种中最稀的一种,更接近于液体,往往时候油性皮肤使用,或者干性皮肤在夏季使用;moisturize是中间的一种,不是液体,根据包装显示for dry skin的相对油一些,for oil skin的相对水一些,这种的补水效果比较好;cream是最油的一种,一般是干性皮肤用比较合适,很多时候还是身体使用的。
⑸ 皮肤综色用英语怎么说
Brown skin
Palm red brown skin and skin collocation is consistent.
⑹ 托福口语必备:口红用英文怎么说
There are many types of lipsticks and theycan be used according to your mood or shape of your lips. Today lipstick marketcontains variety of procts with many effects and characteristics. Here aresome types of lipsticks with basic characteristics.
1 Moisturizing lipsticks 保湿口红
People who have dry lips should usemoisturizing lipstick because it keeps lips soft and smooth. These lipsticksmoisturize lips because of ingredients like vitamin E, glycerin and aloe.
嘴唇比较干dry lips的姑娘适合保湿口红,保湿这个词是moisturizing,原形Moisturise是动词,使皮肤滋润的意思,比如润肤霜/液就叫做moisturizing cream/lotion,这个词的名词是moisture,吸收/保持水分就叫做absorb/retainmoisture。
“Do you have the limited edition lipstickfrom YSL? 你们这有限量版的YSL口红吗?“
“Sorry, it’s sold out. 不好意思卖光了。“
2. Satin and Sheer lipsticks 缎面口红
Other choices for dry lips are satin andsheer lipsticks. These lipsticks also moisturize and nourish lips and make itshiny and glossy. Sheer and satin lipsticks have high oil ingredients and theycan appear darker in the package than they are on lips.
“How does this proct work?这种产品有什么功效?”
“It can moisturize and nourish your lip. 这款可以保湿滋润您的唇部。”
3. Matte lipstick 哑光口红
Matte lipsticks are perfects choice forwomen who are looking for colorful and nice shade. These lipsticks have effectof flat and not shiny lips. Also it is recommended to combine procts withvitamin E and aloe with matte lipsticks.
4. Gloss Lipstick 唇彩 唇釉
Gloss is very popular lipstick for womenwith thin and small lips because make lips shine and enhance the dimension ofdepth. Gloss can be combined with traditional lipstick.
Gloss这个词本身有“光泽光亮”的意思,因为唇釉都是比较有光泽,这种口红适合嘴比较小比较细的女士,这样可以提升唇部的亮度,使得嘴唇更立体。Dimension是维度的意思,我们的看的3D电影其实就是3 dimension的缩写。唇彩可以混合combine着传统口红一起使用,比如先涂一层显色的口红,上面覆盖一层唇彩增加亮度。
5. Long wearing and transfer resistantlipsticks 持久口红
Women who don’t have time to apply lipstickfrequently may use long wearing lipsticks. These lipsticks have formula thatkeep lips look perfect from 4 to 8 (or more). They are long lasting until youeat something greasy or oily. Some of them contain moisturizer to balance thedryness of lips.
几乎所有口红都有易脱落的问题,需要及时补擦,Apply 有“涂 抹”的意思,擦口红可以说apply lipstick,擦面霜可以说apply cream。 这种口红的配方formula可以保持颜色4-8小时,直到你吃一些油腻的食物,greasy就是油腻的意思等于oily,形容词,这个词还可以表达油性肤质,干性肤质是dry skin,混合性是combination,敏感肌肤是sensitive skin。
“What is your skin type?
“My skin is sensitive.我是敏感性皮肤。”
⑺ 适合肤质用英文怎么说
...For skin 前面可以加什么东西适合肤质
⑻ 用英语翻译下面几个词:水嫩肌肤,嫩模,小鲜肉
watery skin,chick-model,a tender boy
⑼ 英语翻译 急死了
Instant freshness foaming gel瞬间清新泡沫啫喱
Vitamins+Essential minerals 维他命+矿物精华
Thoroughly cleanses and purifies skin 彻底清洁净化皮肤
Combination to oily skin 油性肌肤适用