導航:首頁 > 燕窩功效 > 蕪湖恬皙燕窩膠原面膜怎麼代理


發布時間:2022-09-07 00:15:41

❶ 紀萊熙新品燕窩面膜多少錢一盒,怎麼做代理


❷ 九世的人物經歷

年齡:35歲 祖籍:安徽安慶 姓名:董學平 別名:九世(josin)
簡歷:九世,北漂的代表,資深化妝品成份分析師,多次舉行國際化妝品成份分析峰會,廣州美博會的特邀嘉賓,中國傳統文化最先進的傳播者之一,槍花樂隊(Guns N' Roses)在華推廣大使,中國品牌化妝品網首席執行.北京地區化妝品行業分會會長 。開創了九世、蘭姿歐、法式蘭姿歐、引進了姆米又(MUEMIEYOE)、硯本氏(YANBBENSHI)、移慕素(YIMURSUR),為中國本土日用化工業做出了巨大貢獻。
2012年,九世酵素美白抗衰老完美組合上市,榮獲廣州30-40女性最愛歡迎產品,由美博會組委會頒發. 九世(josin)膠原蛋白亮白彈滑潔面乳 ; 九世(josin)膠原蛋白亮白保濕粉底液 ;九世(josin)膠原眼部隊能精華; 九世(josin)膠原頂級面膜; 九世(josin)膠原頂級睡眠面膜 ; 九世(josin)膠原蛋白亮白保濕柔膚水九世(josin)膠原蛋白亮白保濕霜
◆膠原亮白彈滑潔面乳 Collagen Firming & Smoothing Facial Ccleanser 120g
Main ingredients: Collagen,HA,lenmon extracts,chamomile essence,etc.
Efflclency:With mild nature,it can effectively cleanse the dirt and grease remains of cosmetics on face and keep pores smooth ; replenish the required collagen to skin with the same,whiten and hydrate skin to make skin recover crystalline and naturally delicate.
Usage: Wet face and evenly extend proper amount of the proct onto face , gently massage skin for 1—2minutes and rinse off with clear water.
◆膠原亮白保濕柔膚水 Collagen Whitening & Moisturizing Toner 100g
Main ingredients : Vitamin C, collagen,amino acid moisturizing ingredients,HA,etc.
Efflciency:Nourish and activate skin to make skin firmer and more vigorous,the collagen essences can penetrate into deep skin to powerfuly nourish skin,make the cell structure healthier,and create white and bright complexlon and smooth and tender skin nature.
Usage: After facial cleaning in the morming and evening,evenly extend proper amount onto face and neck and gently pat till absorbed.
◆膠原亮白保濕霜 Collagen Whitening & moisturizing Cream 50g
主要功效: 蘊含天然膠原蛋白,通過表皮滲透到皮膚底層,深層滋養肌膚,恆久保持肌膚水份,增強皮膚彈性,促進血液循環,用後肌膚倍感水嫩,剔透動人。
Main ingredients: Collagen,HA,wheat essences,alge,etc.
Effciency:The natural collagen in the proct can penetrate into deep skin from the surface to powerfully nourish skin and constantly hydrate skin,strengthen elasticity and promote the blood circulation,thus the skin shall become tender,deellcate,crystalline and charming.
Usage:After skin cleaning and awakening,evenly exetend proper amount of the proct onto face and neck ,gently massage till absorbed.
◆膠原亮白保濕粉底 Collagen Whitening & Moisturizing Liquid Foundation 30ml
Main ingredients: Collagen ,HA,vitamin C and E,pearl powder particles,etc.
Efficiency:Rich in nutrition,the liquid foundation has excellent moisturizing and makeup effects to constantly keep skin tender, natural,elastic and tender!The SPF18 sun-blocking effects shall protect skin against UV;consistent use shall make skin white,crystalline,bright and charming.
Usage:After facial cleaning and relaxing,extend proper amount of the proct onto face and neck and then eventy spread it with hands or cosmetics sponge.
◆膠原眼部全能精華 Collagen Eye Full-Effect Essence 20g
Main lngre dients:Collagen,hamamelis,HA,soybean essnce,Cytovitine yeast essence,etc.
Efficiency:Powerfully replenish water,firm eye skin ,rapidly relieve the fatigue of eyes and instantly soothe the fine lines and dry lines caused by the environmental pollution and dryness.The refreshing nature and effective moisturizing functions can activate cells to make skin around eyes absorb nutrition quickly and become full and hydrated ,at the same time,it can replenish enough collagen to firm the delicate eye skin.
Usage:After facial cleaning in the morrning and evening,extend proper amount of the proct onto eye skin and gently massage skin in the sequence of inner eye comer,outer eye corner and eye circle till absorbed.
Availability:Suitable for all skin types.
◆膠原蛋白頂級面膜 Collagen Superior Facial Mask 30g×3片
Main ingredients:Collagen ,HA,alga extracts,deep sea caviar essence,etc.
Efficiency:The proct is formulated with the high-purity deep sea collagen and various whitening & tendering essences,so it can comprehensively nourish and moisturize skin,fade fine lines,whiten skin and create hydrate,white and beautiful skin.
Usage:After facial cleansing,apply the mask onto face and remove it after 20 minutes. Please use 1-3 times per week..(Refer to the picture).
Availabillty:Suitable for all skin types.
◆膠原亮白保濕睡眠面膜 Collagen Whitening & Moisturizing Sleep Face Mask 170g
Main ingredients:Collagen,HA,rose essence, vitamin E,cherry extracts and natural resveratrol.
Efflciency:With mild nature,it can penetrate into deep skin ring sleeping to constantly moisturize skin and brighten complexion,promote the regeneration of the cells, strengthen the gloss and elasticity of skin and make skin white, smooth and delicate; prevent aging,replenish water and nutrition to recover young and vigorous skin!
Usage:Relax skin before sleeping ,extend proper amount of the proct onto face (avoid eyes and lips)to make it absorbed naturally, it can be used ovemight to treat your skin ring sleep. It can be cleansed by the ordinary facial cleanser. 茶樹+蛋清 毛孔細致面膜 玫瑰+紅酒 抗皺養顏面膜
草莓+八杯水 補水醒膚面膜 檸檬+牛奶 深層美白面膜
人參+燕窩 潤白祛斑面膜 蘆薈+桑菊 活膚祛痘面膜
海藻+珍珠 清爽修護面膜 紅石榴+蜂膠 白里透紅面膜
木瓜+豆乳 褪黃祛黑面膜 蠶絲蛋白 滋養瑩潤面膜

❸ 恬皙面膜補水效果怎麼樣




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